The cigars for all Cigar Catering events in South Florida events are imported. Your cigar roller will roll the same cigars sold in stores at your event.

CF Dominicana is a brand of cigars in Miami, we are a premium brand featuring the same imported cigars sold in stores and presented at your event. All of the cigars are imported and not made in Florida.


Cigars used for South Florida wedding and golf events

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Most cigar brands have a presence in Miami as the cigars are imported from the Dominican Republic through the Port of Miami, making our cigars superior to any cigars created in the Miami area or Florida entirely. Your cigar roller will roll the same cigars sold in upscale tobacco shops along Collins Avenue so your discerning guests will be impressed and enjoy the quality only Dominican, imported cigars can bring.

Factory hand rolled cigars overseas are what brands are made of in the premium cigar market. These are the cigars you and your guests purchase when they go to a tobacco retailer which are imported and heavily quality checked premium cigars.

Miami cigar roller events provide CF Dominicana cigars which are Dominican Ligero blend with Connecticut shade wrapper leaf to bring a mild to medium bodied flavor preferred by cigar aficionados globally and will be appreciated by your Miami guest list.

Maduro, Connecticut Shade wrappers are available and enclose the Dominican filler for a medium bodied smoke that novices and true aficionados will enjoy.

Cigar rollers as they appear at cigar roller events

